Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weekend Roundup: S(t)aturday

Weekly Stats:

Workouts: 4. I feel good about the 10K training: challenged, but not overwhelmed.  And thank God it's cooled down to the 60s in the mornings these days. Except...

Completed Workouts: 2. Why only 2 completed workouts? I'll tell you why. SHIN SPLINTS.  Limping three miles home is sad and pitiful, so I have recently begun to take a bus token on my runs.  This weekend I am icing, medicating, and stretching with the hope the Monday will make for  a better go at it. If not, it's back to the elliptical or the bike I the dark, dusty basement. I'm also researching proper running form to ensure that my stride isn't the culprit for these injuries.  Any advice? I've been fitted for shoes and orthotics...

{capacious trousers, necklace- anthro; top- jones new york}

Eating, rating from 1 to 10: 2.  My stomach has been a veritable garbage can. As Miesha said, I've been A COMPLETE DONKEY, lol. Must be something in the water. I would feel ashamed but what's the point?  I am cutting back a little next week, pulling back from grains for a bit.

Weigh- in: Skipping it this week because of that ^^, but should be on track for a decent weigh- in next week. A lady never tells her age or her weight, but I do share the pounds lost and gained.  Course, the other rule is that a lady's words are always sweet, so I guess I stopped being a lady awhile ago. Oh, well. 

Saturdays are days of endless errands--grocery shopping, dry cleaners, store returns, and the post office were the culprits today-- but in the evenings after laundry and cleaning I do get a bit of downtime.  Soooo, I'm introducing S(t)aturday to keep track of my stats and EAT CLEAN on Fridays, when I usually booze it up and/or eat chicken wings. Okay...sometimes I eat sushi but usually it's something fatty like SAUSAGE PIZZA. With chicken wings.

Hope your weekend is all gravy, baby,

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